Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Cosplay for Beginners

When you hear cosplay for beginners, you sometimes think of  Closet playing, which essentially means grabbing things out of your closet that looks like an anime character you're trying to play. Closet playing is usually frowned upon in the cosplay world, because let's face it, you didn't really do much work on your costume you just put it together and then basically just went like that to one of the Many Conventions. The trick to cosplaying is that you can pick one or two items from your closet, but only if they match, and usually if a cosplayer picks an item from their closet, they will alter it to better fit their character. Your best bet is to stay as simple as you can while sticking to your character. At my first con, I made fingerless gloves and a wrist band and i went as Nana Osaki. It was great because i portrayed her very well, but it was hard to tell who i was because i wasn't detailed enough. so pay attention to detail and get to doing what you love. The key to cosplaying is to have fun making your costume and enjoy the japanese culture that we know and love.

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